APEX Runtime Options

Environment Variables

There are a number of environment variables that control APEX behavior at runtime. The variables can be defined in the environment before application execution, or specified in a file called apex.conf in the current execution directory. The format of the configuration file is:


To generate a default APEX configuration file in the current working directory, run the ./install/bin/apex_make_default_config program. To get a list of all known environment variables, run the ./install/bin/apex_environment_help program.

Environment Variable Default Value Valid Values Description
APEX_DISABLE 0 0,1 Disable APEX during the application execution
APEX_SUSPEND 0 0,1 Suspend APEX timers and counters during the application execution
APEX_PAPI_SUSPEND 0 0,1 Suspend PAPI counters during the application execution
APEX_SCREEN_OUTPUT 0 0,1 Output APEX performance summary at exit
APEX_VERBOSE 0 0,1 Output APEX options at entry
APEX_PROFILE_OUTPUT 0 0,1 Output TAU profile of performance summary
APEX_CSV_OUTPUT 0 0,1 Output CSV profile of performance summary
APEX_TASKGRAPH_OUTPUT 0 0,1 Output graphviz reduced taskgraph
APEX_POLICY 1 0,1 Enable APEX policy listener and execute registered policies
APEX_PROC_STAT 1 0,1 Periodically read data from /proc/stat
APEX_PROC_CPUINFO 0 0,1 Read data (once) from /proc/cpuinfo
APEX_PROC_MEMINFO 0 0,1 Periodically read data from /proc/meminfo
APEX_PROC_NET_DEV 0 0,1 Periodically read data from /proc/net/dev
APEX_PROC_SELF_STATUS 0 0,1 Periodically read data from /proc/self/status
APEX_PROC_SELF_IO 0 0,1 Periodically read data from /proc/self/io
APEX_PROC_STAT_DETAILS 0 0,1 Periodically read detailed data from /proc/self/stat
APEX_PROC_PERIOD 1000000 Integer /proc data read sampling period, in microseconds
APEX_MEASURE_CONCURRENCY 0 0,1 Periodically sample thread activity and output report at exit
APEX_MEASURE_CONCURRENCY_PERIOD 1000000 Integer Thread concurrency sampling period, in microseconds
APEX_OTF2 0 0,1 Enable OTF2 trace output.
APEX_TRACE_EVENT 0 0,1 Enable Google Trace Event output.
APEX_OTF2_ARCHIVE_PATH OTF2_archive valid path OTF2 trace directory.
APEX_OTF2_ARCHIVE_NAME APEX valid string OTF2 trace filename.
APEX_TAU 0 0,1 Enable TAU profiling (if application is executed with tau_exec).
APEX_THROTTLE_CONCURRENCY 0 0,1 Enable thread concurrency throttling
APEX_THROTTLING_MIN_THREADS 1 0,1 Minimum threads allowed
APEX_THROTTLING_MAX_THREADS 8 0,1 Maximum threads allowed
APEX_THROTTLE_ENERGY 0 0,1 Enable energy throttling
APEX_THROTTLE_ENERGY_PERIOD 1000000 Integer Power sampling period, in microseconds
APEX_THROTTLING_MIN_WATTS 150 Integer Minimum Watt threshold
APEX_THROTTLING_MAX_WATTS 300 Integer Maximum Watt threshold
APEX_PTHREAD_WRAPPER_STACK_SIZE 0 16k-8M When wrapping pthread_create, use this size for the stack.
APEX_PAPI_METRICS null space-delimited string of metric names List of metrics to be measured by APEX when timers are used. Only meaningful if APEX is configured with PAPI support. Any supported metric from papi_avail (see PAPI Documentation) can be used.
APEX_PAPI_SUSPEND 0 0,1 Suspend collection of PAPI metrics for APEX timers during the application execution
APEX_PROCESS_ASYNC_STATE 1 0,1 Enable/disable asynchronous processing of statistics (useful when only collecting trace data)
APEX_UNTIED_TIMERS 0 0,1 Disable callstack state maintenance for specific OS threads. This allows APEX timers to start on one thread and stop on another. This is not compatible with tracing.
APEX_OMPT_REQUIRED_EVENTS_ONLY 0 0,1 Disable moderate-frequency, moderate-overhead OMPT events.
APEX_OMPT_HIGH_OVERHEAD_EVENTS 0 0,1 Disable high-frequency, high-overhead OMPT events.
APEX_PIN_APEX_THREADS 1 0,1 Pin APEX asynchronous threads to the last core/PU on the system.
APEX_TASK_SCATTERPLOT 0 0,1 Periodically sample APEX tasks, generating a scatterplot of time distributions.
APEX_TIME_TOP_LEVEL_OS_THREADS 0 0,1 When registering threads, measure their lifetimes.
APEX_CUDA_COUNTERS 0 0,1 Enable CUDA CUPTI counter measurement.
APEX_CUDA_KERNEL_DETAILS 0 0,1 Enable Context information for CUDA CUPTI counter measurement and CUDA CUPTI API callback timers.
APEX_CUDA_RUNTIME_API 1 0,1 Enable callbacks for the CUDA Runtime API (cuda*() functions).
APEX_CUDA_DRIVER_API 0 0,1 Enable callbacks for the CUDA Driver API (cu*() functions).
APEX_JUPYTER_SUPPORT 0 0,1 When running HPX in a Jupyter notebook, enable special handling for APEX data output and system reset.

apex_exec flags

To control the behavior of APEX when using apex_exec, many flags are available, several of which will automatically set the above environment variables as necessary:

apex_exec <APEX options> executable <executable options>

where APEX options are zero or more of:
    --apex:help                   show this usage message
    --apex:debug                  run with APEX in debugger
    --apex:verbose                enable verbose list of APEX environment variables
    --apex:screen                 enable screen text output (on by default)
    --apex:screen-detail          enable detailed text output (off by default)
    --apex:quiet                  disable screen text output
    --apex:final-output-only      only output performance data at exit (ignore intermediate dump calls)
    --apex:csv                    enable csv text output
    --apex:tau                    enable tau profile output
    --apex:taskgraph              enable taskgraph output
                                  (graphviz required for post-processing)
    --apex:tasktree               enable tasktree output
                                  (python3 with Pandas required for post-processing)
    --apex:hatchet                enable Hatchet tasktree output
                                  (python3 with Hatchet required for post-processing)
    --apex:concur                 Periodically sample thread activity (default: off)
    --apex:concur-max             Max timers to track with concurrency activity (default: 5)
    --apex:concur-period <value>  Frequency of concurrency sampling, in microseconds
                                  (default: 1000000)
    --apex:throttle               throttle short-lived timers to reduce overhead (default: off)
    --apex:throttle-calls <value> minimum number of calls before throttling (default: 1000)
    --apex:throttle-per <value>   minimum timer duration in microseconds (default: 10)
    --apex:otf2                   enable OTF2 trace output (requries --apex:mpi with MPI configurations)
    --apex:otf2path <value>       specify location of OTF2 archive
                                  (default: ./OTF2_archive)
    --apex:otf2name <value>       specify name of OTF2 file (default: APEX)
    --apex:gtrace                 enable Google Trace Events output (deprecated)
    --apex:pftrace                enable Perfetto Trace output
    --apex:scatter                enable scatterplot output
                                  (python required for post-processing)
    --apex:openacc                enable OpenACC support
    --apex:kokkos                 enable Kokkos support
    --apex:kokkos-tuning          enable Kokkos runtime autotuning support
    --apex:kokkos-fence           enable Kokkos fences for async kernels
    --apex:raja                   enable RAJA support
    --apex:pthread                enable pthread wrapper support
    --apex:gpu-memory             enable GPU memory wrapper support
    --apex:cpu-memory             enable CPU memory wrapper support
    --apex:untied                 enable tasks to migrate cores/OS threads
                                  during execution (not compatible with trace output)
    --apex:cuda                   enable CUDA/CUPTI measurement (default: off)
    --apex:cuda-counters          enable CUDA/CUPTI counter support (default: off)
    --apex:cuda-driver            enable CUDA driver API callbacks (default: off)
    --apex:cuda-details           enable per-kernel statistics where available (default: off)
    --apex:hip                    enable HIP/ROCTracer measurement (default: off)
    --apex:hip-metrics            enable HIP/ROCProfiler metric support (default: off)
    --apex:hip-counters           enable HIP/ROCTracer counter support (default: off)
    --apex:hip-driver             enable HIP/ROCTracer KSA driver API callbacks (default: off)
    --apex:hip-details            enable per-kernel statistics where available (default: off)
    --apex:monitor-gpu            enable GPU monitoring services (CUDA NVML, ROCm SMI)
    --apex:level0                 enable OneAPI Level0 measurement (default: off)
    --apex:cpuinfo                enable sampling of /proc/cpuinfo (Linux only)
    --apex:meminfo                enable sampling of /proc/meminfo (Linux only)
    --apex:net                    enable sampling of /proc/net/dev (Linux only)
    --apex:status                 enable sampling of /proc/self/status (Linux only)
    --apex:io                     enable sampling of /proc/self/io (Linux only)
    --apex:period <value>         specify frequency of OS/HW sampling
    --apex:mpi                    enable MPI profiling (required for OTF2 support with MPI configurations)
    --apex:ompt                   enable OpenMP profiling (requires runtime support)
    --apex:ompt-simple            only enable OpenMP Tools required events
    --apex:ompt-details           enable all OpenMP Tools events
    --apex:source                 resolve function, file and line info for address lookups with binutils
                                  (default: function only)
    --apex:preload <lib>          extra libraries to load with LD_PRELOAD _before_ APEX libraries
                                  (LD_PRELOAD value is added _after_ APEX libraries)
    --apex:postprocess            run post-process scripts (graphviz, python) on output data after exit